There are so many choices available to you. So, ask yourself - what weight management strategy do I use? Which is the safest & healthiest approach? Where do I start?
To begin with, take a look at yourself and your needs. Are you overweight? Do you plan to lose a few kilos or do you just need to maintain your shape? Modification of eating habits along with regular exercise might not be sufficient to achieve the ultimate goal of weight loss over the long-term.
To bind or to burn
There are different types of weight loss products available in the market. There are fat binders, fat burners, “carb” (short for carbohydrate) blockers, appetite suppressants, and the list goes on. Each one has its own strengths and weaknesses. The choice of a weight loss or fat loss agent depends on each individual’s need.
Although the end result you seek is the same, that is weight loss, there are various ways of attaining it. Since weight loss primarily due to fat loss is ideal, that brings us to one of the often-asked questions the difference between fat binders and fat burners.
Fat binders such as Liposinol™ are sometimes referred to as fat absorbers. The term “fat binders” denotes weight loss products with lipophilic or “fat-loving” property. In other words, it can bind to fat molecules. Liposinol™, for example, helps you to lose weight by binding dietary fats in the stomach and preventing them from being digested and absorbed into the bloodstream and stored in the body.
Fat burners, on the other hand, do not bind fats but promote the burning of stored body fat. Fat burners, like Zenoctil™, promote the breakdown of body fat in a process called thermogenesis. Fat burners or thermogenic agents have metabolism-boosting properties that help you lose weight and fats as your metabolic rate is raised.
The Reliable Fat Burner
A good fat burner should be clinically tested to be effective and safe. Multiple modes of action of different ingredients must work synergistically towards fat loss and fat blocking effects. In the case with Zenoctil™, it is a clinically tested fat burner that is proven to be effective in reducing weight, belly fat and BMI as well as for promoting a healthier body composition. In addition, the reduction of stress associated with dieting and maintenance of a healthy blood sugar level are added advantages of Zenoctil™.
A fat burner that is derived from natural sources, such as commonly used food sources, is preferred as it adds to the safety aspect of the product. A clinical study will confirm that a product is safe and is well tolerated with no harmful side effects.
In certain countries like the US, products that contain ephedra or its (ephedra’s) equivalent are not allowed as ephedra-containing dietary supplements are known to have a high rate of serious side effects and ephedra-related deaths. Zenoctil™ does not contain ephedra or its (ephedra’s) equivalent. Zenoctil™ as a final product, is clinically tested to be safe and effective. Zenoctil™ is a non-drug formulation that contains Xanitrol™, which is derived from natural and commonly used food sources.
Where to Buy?
Can find this products selling at Doctors & Pharmacies.
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how much is the zenoctil? and how long to consume?
It's RM95/box inclusive of delivery
Can i know how much is Liposinol? How long per box can last?
Can i know the price for Liposinol?
Per box..How long the stock can last?
should we consume both Liposinol and Zeboctil or choose only one
hi! im planning to consume zenoctil, since last updated comments was on May 5, i wonder if you still sell it? Plus, need to know on how to consume, eg: dos and donts..tq
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